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Best Cloud Backup – Protect Your Business Data
Lost business data can have devastating outcomes on your business. It can disrupt your business operations and can lead to a loss of profit. To make matters worse, in today’s IT world, many threats can lead to data loss more than ever. That is why you must have a reliable data backup and recovery so that you can protect your business from unexpected events that can lead to lost or damaged data.

What are the Most Common Threats That Leads to Data Loss
There are a lot of events that could lead to data loss, some of the most common are:
Cyberattacks – There are a lot of unscrupulous individuals out there who want to wreak havoc on IT systems. They create viruses and malware that can damage and corrupt files and databases, which renders them unusable. The worse part is that these cyber attacks evolve. As people solve current viruses and malware, new ones are created to bypass current security platforms.
Hardware Failure – Like any electronic equipment, hard drives and servers will deteriorate over time. When this happens, it can malfunction and all the files and data stored within can be lost with it.
Software Failure – Bugs in your software applications can also cause errors or loss in the programs, which can also lead to unintended deletion, corruption, or override of existing data.
Employee Mistakes – Believe it or not, the most common cause of data loss is the employees themselves. When not careful about handling sensitive data, these can be deleted, overridden, or misplaced accidentally. In addition, employees who connect their personal device to the company network may also accidentally infect the system with viruses or malware that they picked up from unsafe IP networks outside the company.
These are just some of the most common cause of data loss, there are more unexpected scenarios that can lead to loss or damage to important and sensitive business information.
Which is the Best Data Backup Services – Cloud or Onsite?
Now that you recognize the different threats that can cause data loss, it is time to decide how you want to back up your important data.
Your first instinct may be to consider what hardware and software you need for data backup and recovery. The cloud, however, has simplified the process.
Instead of backing up your data in a system that you have to build on your own, you can take advantage of the cloud backup services of your trusted managed IT Service Provider (MSP).
You may be worried that you are entrusting your data to a third-party company but be assured that a reliable MSP, but it is actually their business to back up and protect important and sensitive data for multiple companies.
And to drive the point further, here are the advantages of cloud backup compared to onsite data backup:
Advantage No. 1: Cost
Unlike with onsite backup systems, you do not have to purchase any servers to store your backup data. These servers are expensive and they will run on your own electricity. Instead, you can simply subscribe to your MSP and pay monthly fees. In exchange, you are able to use their cloud storage facilities, including any hardware and software associated, for your data backup needs. In addition, the maintenance cost and utilities needed to run the cloud servers are covered by your MSP, which means one less thing for your business to worry about.
Advantage No. 2: Accessibility
Cloud services are delivered over the Internet, which includes your cloud backup data. If a data is lost or damaged, users can access the backup copy from virtually anywhere as long as they have a computer or mobile device that is connected to the internet.
Advantage No. 3: Scalability
With onsite backup systems, you would have to purchase new servers and other expensive equipment to expand its backup capabilities. In addition, your business would have to build a new backup system for every new location. With cloud backup, you can expand your cloud storage on demand through additional fees. In addition, a single cloud backup account can cover multiple business locations as well.
Advantage No. 4: Disaster Readiness
Lastly, in the event of a disaster happening in your business, your main server and your backup server are in the same location so the likelihood of both being damaged is pretty high. The opposite can be said with cloud backup. Since the backup data is in a secure cloud data center, it will not be affected by any disaster that hits your business. Moreover, data recovery will be quicker because there is no physical equipment or hardware required. After all, data recovery is done via the Internet.
Protect Your Data with The Best Cloud Backup Service of thinkIT Solutions
thinkIT solutions is a managed IT service provider dedicated to providing small and medium-scale business with cloud computing services that will allow them to compete against bigger companies. This includes high-level cloud backup and recovery at affordable rates.
If you need a reliable cloud data backup service, you can contact thinkIT Solutions at (504) 608-1132!