Best Data Recovery Tips and Practices for Your Business

A major data loss can be catastrophic to any business. In fact, there are a lot of businesses that never recover and had to close shop because of it.

That is why it is important for any business to implement a comprehensive data recovery plan to protect your business from serious downtimes and to make it more resilient to different data loss scenarios.

To help you out, here are some Best Data Recovery tips that you can follow for your business:

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Best Data Recovery Tip 1: Know the risks to your data

Data loss can be caused by a myriad of things and you have to understand the different threats that are most likely to affect your business.

Best Data Recovery

Some of the most common causes of lost and damaged data include:

Hardware failure – Servers and hard drives are depreciating hardware whose quality deteriorates over time. It is a matter of time before it fails and takes the data in it to its grave.
Software failure – Bugs and other errors in software and applications can lead to corrupted and modified data.
Natural disaster – Floods, snow, fire and other disasters can damage the physical hardware of your IT infrastructure.
Virus/Malware – Infections that target your IT infrastructure can lead to lost, damaged, or modified data.
Employee negligence – Accidental deletion, bringing in devices that have a virus or other infection, and other human elements are also a threat to your data.

Best Data Recovery Tip 2: Know you Important and Critical Data

A key to creating a good data recovery plan is identifying which data is worth the most and what is not as important.

Audit and assess the types of data that your business is handling and using. Put them in tiers to determine their level of importance from the most critical to those that you can live without.

This will help set up the type of data backup and recovery processes your business will implement

Best Data Recovery Tip 3: Know the Specific Effects of Data Loss to Your Business

The level of importance of data to each organization is different so it goes to follow that the effect of data loss to each organization will be different as well.

Know the effects of each level of data loss to your business. How critical is a specific type of data to your business operations? How long of a downtime will a certain level of data loss will it cause?

When you know this stuff, it will be easier to determine the types of action you need to consider.

Best Data Recovery Tip 3: Protect Your IT Infrastructure

Yes, you are protecting your data. But what about your company network and IT infrastructure? This is important to actually use your data for business use.

A good solution would be to turn to the cloud. Ask your managed service provider about cloud network solutions that can help you move your network, or at least part of it if you prefer, to a remote data center, which makes it accessible from anywhere via the Internet.

Best Data Recovery Tip 4: Review Your Current Data Recovery Capabilities

Your IT staff should have some capability to recover some lost or damaged data. You have to know how much they can do and what they can’t.

This way, you can see the opportunities for improvement and what your business is actually doing right.

Best Data Recovery Tip 5: Review Different Types of Data Backup and Recovery Can Work for Your Business

By knowing the level of importance of your data, the effect of data loss and downtimes to your business, and the capability of your own business to back up and recover data, you can proceed to review the different types of data backup and recovery process that could work for your business.

Some of the common backup and recovery methods include:

Bare metal recovery – Lets your recover almost everything from the operating system, applications, and data in one pass on similar or different hardware.
Online disc backup – A more real-time kind of backup process where the process allows for a more frequent data backup because of a more dynamic and rapidly changing data kind of environment.
Continuous data protection – This lets you recover the whole system immediately. The process is that it backups everything through your local area network to a local server on-premise while backing it up over the Internet to a remote server.

Best Data Recovery Tip: 6: Ask for Help

There is no reason you cannot ask a trusted managed service provider for assistance in your data backup and recovery process. They can provide you different options for backing up your data including the choice of backing up your data in a cloud server that is highly secure and protected.

They can also automate the whole backup process so that it is not taxing to your IT staff. In the event that you need to recover your data, you will also get expert and professional assistance in the process.

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