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Best Practices of Cloud Computing Implementation
The advantages of cloud computing implementation brought leaps for businesses in the e-commerce industry. Thus, more entrepreneurs find it practical to learn more about cloud services. Knowing the basic definition of cloud computing is no longer enough. Knowing the infrastructure of cloud computing is not always relevant.
What entrepreneurs need is to understand cloud computing implementation. How do cloud services work, and in what way are they implemented in business? Here are basic considerations to achieve the best practices in cloud computing implementation:
Data Security
Data security is one of the biggest doubts in cloud computing implementation. Many believe that everything we upload into the Internet will be accessible. This applies to anyone who knows how to work around its security. The proper cloud computing implementation crosses out this concern.
Before you avail any managed cloud computing service, take note—how does your cloud computing implementation service provider ensure data security? That is an information that any investor needs to access. If you are knowledgeable about cloud security, you can test your cloud computing service provider. How will your cloud computing service provider keep your data secure? If you are not tech-savvy enough to make the evaluation, consult an expert. Make sure that you will check the following:
security management personnel expertise
company compliance to international security standards
use of high-end security protection devices
compliance to internal IT department standard security measures
well-crafted security standards and governance model
secure on-site data center
Service Availability Guarantee
Service availability is a major issue for any computing resource provider. This is not limited to cloud computing implementation. Cloud computing resources have the capacity to provide reliable infrastructure. Despite that, outages can still happen.
Communicate with your service provider for a better cloud computing implementation. Seek clear information on the plans to secure the availability of cloud implementation services. Review your service level agreement. Check if your cloud service provider can guarantee high availability for their cloud computing infrastructure.
Your business can’t afford delays and outages. Thus, you better clarify how your provider will execute cloud computing implementation measures. Choose the cloud computing service vendor that works across regions. Meaning, that your vendor deals with several cloud computing service providers. This will ensure the ongoing services despite outages in one area. How? Your cloud computing vendor will have other sources of cloud computing implementation service.
Backup and Recovery Strategy
Data security is your defense plan. Service availability is your expected status quo. A backup and recovery strategy are part of your plan B. Security and availability may fail. Make sure that backup and recovery strategy are ready to help your business bounce back. Cloud computing implementation will never be efficient if your business lacks preparedness. You need to know how to mitigate possible effects of outages and security compromise.
Data backup or redundancy is part of security measures. This is also a necessity for an effective cloud computing implementation service. It doesn’t focus on preventing attacks and outages. Instead, it aims to secure everything in case of untoward incidents.
Data plays the most essential role in your application system. You need to have a strategy in cloud computing implementation service. This strategy should be able to secure company data. This security measure should work despite occurrences of attacks or sudden outages.
Check your cloud computing implementation service provider if their data backup is well-designed. Its design should be able to prevent data loss. Also, learn your cloud computing implementation service provider procedures. Knowing their data backup and recovery process can help you maximize its advantages. Choose to extract data in bulk if possible. Make it a habit to export data regularly. Plan a secure system and efficient operations. This will ensure that your business will have an effective cloud computing implementation.
Regional Data Privacy Compliance
Another cloud computing implementation safety measure is compliance with regional data privacy requirements. This pertains to laws that allow or inhibit storage and delivery of data beyond borders.
Some countries have laws prohibiting data to cross many regions. Storing and delivering data beyond borders is the nature of cloud computing implementation. Virtualized environment made such data processing possible. Make sure that your cloud computing implementation provider follows existing regional policies.
Some government policies impose the right to examine information stored in data centers. Within their region, these policies could apply to companies both local and abroad. Check your provider’s legal requirements. Make sure that your cloud computing implementation has legitimate procedures.
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