The Importance of Cloud Computing in Business
IT experts love to stress with good humor that everything is within the cloud nowadays. They are telling the truth, in spite of the fact that, as the importance of cloud computing is gaining attention within the mainstream.
Forbes reports that 77% of enterprises have at least partially used the cloud in their computing infrastructure. This means that there is an increasing importance of cloud computing among businesses. This number gives the impression that it has no other way but to grow. Thus, it seems inevitable that enterprises will migrate 100% to the cloud soon.
A discussion on why we need cloud computing would be a detailed one, as the forum or platform has immediately penetrated most of the dimensions of everyday life. To give you an idea about the importance of cloud computing in businesses, as well as in daily situations, we will tackle the various uses of the platform in business and the benefits that it gives and guarantees.
The Various Importance of Cloud Computing in Business

The importance of cloud computing among enterprises can be illustrated by its huge role in business. Cloud computing has three major service models. These models play a huge role in everyday business operations, and they could confirm why we need cloud computing.
The three major service models of cloud computing are Software as a Service (SaaS), Stage as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). These benefit models may contrast within the services that they offer, but they work on the same platform which is cloud computing.
- Importance of cloud computing in SaaS. In a SaaS setup, applications are hosted by third-party providers that deliver it through the Internet. Businesses will access these applications using the Internet as well. In this setup, the apps are accessed using a browser, instead of being installed.
- Importance of cloud computing PaaS. Application development tools are traditionally installed in on-premise environments. But, in a PaaS setup, app development tools are accessed through the Internet. They are hosted by cloud service providers and accessed by users using a browser.
- Importance of cloud computing IaaS. In IaaS, infrastructure components are offered through the cloud, rather than installed. Infrastructure components such as servers, networks, data centers, and storage are traditionally exclusive to on-premise environments. But, developers have found a way to offer these components through the cloud.
The overall benefits make up most of the importance of cloud computing. Markets and Markets report that the global cloud computing market size in the year 2018 went to US$ 272.0 billion. Also, they predicted that this number will grow to US$ 623.3 billion by 2023 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.0%..
These figures tell that more and more people are trusting cloud computing. The platform’s guaranteed benefits have a part in this. Cloud computing offers a wide range of benefits that other platforms could not offer. These benefits are the following:
Benefit #1: Scalability
Cloud computing has been described as a flexible or adaptable platform. The reason for this is that cloud computing could easily adjust itself to changing conditions. It could manage changing amounts of workloads. It does so by scaling down or up depending on the condition. It is not confined to single storage hardware, so it could easily scale up or scale down.
Benefit #2: Lower Cost
On-premise environments are expensive to maintain and upgrade on the part of the user. The user has to shoulder everything, and this would mean he or she has to pay attention to IT rather than his or her actual business. But in cloud computing, the third-party provider will be the one to shoulder the maintenance and upgrade. Besides, the user will only have to pay for what he or she is using.
Benefit #3: Industry-specific solutions
It has been said before that cloud computing could adjust its services to changing conditions. Cloud computing could also adjust itself to industry-specific conditions. For instance, businesses in the medical industry need more storage capacity to store high-resolution patients’ data. Cloud computing could easily upscale storage when more space is needed.
Benefit #4: Accessibility
Cloud computing services are delivered via the Internet. This means that you just simply could access your cloud data using any device as long as you’ve got access to the Internet. This would be impossible in on-premise situations, as such setups require users to visit the site of the resource to access data.
You could realize the importance of cloud computing more as you adapt the platform to your business. ThinkIT provides scalable and industry-specific solutions for businesses. If you want to be one of the companies that benefit from the cloud, contact us at +1 (504) 455-5552. You may also send us an email at