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IT Solutions New Orleans – Support and Management of Your IT Assets and IT Infrastructure

Gone are the days when small businesses like yours have to invest in enterprise-level and enterprise-priced hardware and equipment, to build an IT infrastructure that can support your business operations.

Instead of investing in an on-premise network and hiring your own IT team, you can instead opt for managed IT solutions in New Orleans and other parts of the country.

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IT Solutions New Orleans – What is Managed IT Solutions

Managed IT Solutions is when augment or replace IT functions through a third-party provider. If the business needs an affordable but enterprise-level IT infrastructure, network, and servers, a trusted managed IT solutions provider can introduce them to the cloud, where they can store and host their applications and access it from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection.

If what the business wants is expertise in information technology, a trusted provider can also give the high-level support, management, and maintenance that your organization needs.

IT Solutions New Orleans

If you need both the infrastructure and the expertise, a trusted managed IT solutions provider can give that too.

IT Solutions New Orleans – What are the Benefits of Managed IT Solutions

IT Solutions New Orleans – Benefit No. 1: A More Affordable Option

Enterprise-level systems require large capital investments while a single expert IT staff can cost up to hundreds of thousands per year to keep.

If you are a small business, that would be a steep price to pay just to compete with bigger players in the industry.

Fortunately, managed IT solutions let you have your cake and eat it too.

Though a monthly incremental subscription payment, you are able to take advantage of cloud-hosted networks and systems, while getting expert support from high-level IT staff from your third-party provider.

IT Solutions New Orleans – Benefit No. 2: A More Mobile and Flexible IT Solution

Managed IT Solutions providers leverage the cloud to deliver enterprise-level IT services to its clients. The cloud is delivered and accessed via the Internet. In turn, this provides the provider’s clients with an advantage that on-premise systems cannot provide, which is total mobility.

Because the cloud can be accessed via the internet, users do not have to be in the office to access the company’s network and other IT assets. This allows employees to work from anywhere and on any device, as long as they have an internet connection.

IT Solutions New Orleans – Benefit No. 3: A Scalable IT Solution

With on-premise systems, you need to add new servers and expand your cabling when the current IT infrastructure is no longer able to accommodate new users.

In addition, if your business wants to open a new location, you need to install and implement a new and separate network for it.

That is not the case with managed IT solutions. If your current subscription cannot accommodate new users, it is a matter of upgrading your plan to expand the bandwidth to accommodate more users, more data, and bigger software and applications.

Moreover, since the IT Solutions are delivered via the cloud. Multiple locations can be served with a single subscription, which also allows your business to unite different offices under one company network and IT infrastructure.

IT Solutions New Orleans – Benefit No. 4: Secure and Reliable IT Solutions

The idea of entrusting your data, systems, and applications to a third-party would seem like a bad idea, security-wise. But in truth, your third-party managed IT provider can protect your company’s IT assets better than you could ever could as a small business.

Their business is to handle critical data, systems, and software for multiple companies. It is just logical that they employ the best and most effective security measures to protect these IT assets because one high-level security incident can lead to an exodus of clients and eventual closure of business because of damaged reputation.

These managed IT solution providers employ a multi-layered approach to security that includes threat prevention, automated response to threats, and emergency response to critical attacks.

As a small business with limited resources, it will be near impossible to achieve that level of security on your own.

thinkIT Solutions – IT Solutions New Orleans and Around the US

thinkIT Solutions is a full-service managed IT Solutions provider that aims to give small and medium scale businesses a competitive edge against bigger players in their industry through affordable but enterprise-level IT services.

If you are looking to upgrade your current IT setup to another level, you can contact thinkIT Solutions now at (504) 608-1132 and get a complimentary IT services assessment!

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