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Types of Cloud Computing Platforms List
Cloud computing is a large industry. MarketsandMarkets estimated that the global cloud market earned $272.0 billion in 2018. They also have predicted that it will expand to $623.3 billion by 2023. In an industry this large, a cloud computing platforms list can come in different types.
Cloud computing can come in different services. Most service providers focus on only one service model. So, a cloud computing platforms list can differ from other lists.
Most cloud computing platforms list only include the dominating cloud service providers. But, there are small-time providers that offer services as good as the top cloud platforms. They could even be better than those top cloud platforms. So, you should also look for these small service providers.

There are three types of cloud computing service models. These models are Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service. They are abbreviated as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS respectively. A cloud computing platforms list could focus on any of these service models.
The SaaS Cloud Computing Platforms List
You may find a cloud computing platforms list that focuses on providers that offer SaaS. In SaaS, the service provider hosts apps and offer them through the Internet.
SaaS cuts down the need for users to install applications. Users can now access SaaS platforms using only a browser. It also cuts down burden from users in maintaining the software. This is because the SaaS provider is the one that hosts the data center of the service. The updates are also up to the provider. All the user has to do is access the service through the Internet.
Some of the platforms that you will find in a cloud computing platforms list may already be familiar to you. These include Good Apps or G Suite, Dropbox, MailChimp, and HubsSpot.
The PaaS Cloud Computing Platforms List
A cloud computing platforms list could also focus on Platform as a Service providers. In PaaS, service providers offer software tools to users through the Internet. These software tools are usually needed by businesses to develop applications.
PaaS is beneficial for businesses. PaaS providers only charge for what the user utilizes within the platform. So, a user’s expenses could be much lower in PaaS than on-premise app development tools.
In on-premise environments, app development tools are all the burden of the user. The maintenance is all the user’s concern. But, this is not the case in PaaS.
Windows Azure, Heroku, and Apache Stratos are just some of the examples of PaaS platforms. You may find them when you look for a PaaS cloud computing platforms list.
The Iaas Cloud Computing Platforms List
Some cloud computing platforms list focus on providers that offer IaaS. In this cloud computing platform type, the infrastructure is offered by the providers to its users through the Internet.
The infrastructure components offered by IaaS providers include storage and servers. Hardware components, data center space, and network components are offered as well. That is why it is also referred to as Hardware as a Service or HaaS.
Infrastructure components are traditionally present only in on-premise environments. But IaaS visualizes infrastructure so it could be more flexible or scalable.
IaaS is usually an easier and cheaper alternative to on-premise platforms. It cuts down the need for users to invest in infrastructure.
Google Compute Engine, and Digital Ocean are just some of the examples of IaaS platforms. You might see them when you browse through a IaaS cloud computing platforms list.
The Cloud Computing Platforms List According to Business Size
A cloud computing platforms list can also focus on providers that cater a business size. A cloud computing platforms list could cover only providers that cater big-time businesses. Likewise, a cloud computing platforms list could cover only providers for small-time businesses.
Fees for dominating service providers can be out of the budget for a small-time business. If you own a small enterprise, you can look for a cloud computing platforms list that charge smaller fees.
A different case could be applied to big-time businesses with bigger budgets. They can look for cloud computing platforms list of dominating service providers.
The Cloud Computing Platforms List According to Industry
You can also look for a cloud computing platforms list based on a type of industry. Each type of industry may have different needs. And, some providers specializes in catering businesses of a certain type of industry.
Some providers may specialize in only one specific type of industry. Meanwhile, some may specialize in more than one type of industry.
So, you should also consider what industry is your business falls into. This is so that you could find the right cloud computing platforms list for your business.
For instance, healthcare businesses may have different needs from law firms. Healthcare businesses need much powerful processing power and high-capacity storage for patients’ data. But, law firms need much more secure spaces for confidential clients’ information.
So, mind your business’s industry in looking for a cloud computing platforms list. This is so that you would find the best service provider for your business.
You may also consider other factors in looking for a cloud computing platforms list. These factors include your business’s size and service models your company needs.